American Art Classics Barack Obama 44th President Collectors 10 Bill Collector Set: One Million Dollar Bill, 2008, 節約 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 201並行輸入
【新品】全国配送料・関税無料!■本商品は海外からお取り寄せ商品のため、お届けまで5〜20営業日程度お時間をいただいております。■税関手続、関税支払はすべて当社で対応させていただいておりますので、ご安心ください。■日本国内に到着後、検品をしてからお客様のもとへ発送いたします。■輸送の際、多少の箱の傷・凹み等がある場合がございます。■すべての海外輸入品は、通関手続の際に開封検査を受けますので、あらかじめご了承の上、ご購入をお願いいたします。■万が一在庫切れの場合、納期等についてメールにてご連絡させていただきます。■在庫以上のまとめ買いをご希望の際は、お気軽にお問い合わせください。■皆さまに気持ちよくお買い物をしていただくため、ご購入前に当ストアのお買い物ガイドをご一読ください。This is just one memento from the biggest history making Election of the US.Best keepsake or give a set to your Favorite Obama Supporter.A great Conversation piece or Keepsake to have pass on to your Children or Grand kidsFULL COLOR FRONT AND BACK PRINTING with great detail.Same look, feel and size as real money説明: This is a President Barack Obama 44th President Triple Collectors Bill Set. This is one of our better deal sets you get the full Obama Series. Our Barack Obama Novelty Dollar Bills will be the talk of the town. A great Obama collectible. It is the same size as real US currency. Printed on the front and back. The Barack Obama Collectors Set is beautifully designed. Barack Obama Bills make for a great gift or collection item. It is Brand New Just Printed . This will be the hottest collectible memento of this historic moment in not only the US history but the History Of The World. As long as the Bill is properly stored it is made from High Quality Paper and Ink it will last forever. Buy as many as you want with no Additional Shipping Charges. All of our novelty money, funny money and fake money is extremely popular and can be used in hundreds of unique and fun ways. ALL OF OUR NOVELTY BILLS ARE 100% GUARANTEED TO BE THE BEST QUALITY.カテゴリー: メーカー: American Art Classicsブランド: American Art Classics高さ: 0.3 センチ幅: 5.1 センチ奥行: 15.2 センチ重量: 0.0 Kg