Anybody know anything about this horn? Soprano Eb Cornet. It says Westminster by Besson, London, Paris, New York, Made in England. Serial #369198. It's in excellent condition but I can't find a
Boosey and Hawkes Imperial Flugelhorn SN 281438 GREAT PLAYER
Rare Boosey & Co 4 valve Tenor Horn | Dawkes Music
Old Boosey & Co Cornet and Besson Flugelhorn - View topic: Trumpet Herald forum
Boosey & Co "Silbron" Vintage British Class A Cornet
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Old Boosey & Co Cornet and Besson Flugelhorn - View topic: Trumpet Herald forum
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Anybody know anything about this horn? Soprano Eb Cornet. It says Westminster by Besson, London, Paris, New York, Made in England. Serial #369198. It's in excellent condition but I can't find a
Boosey and Hawkes Imperial Flugelhorn SN 281438 GREAT PLAYER
Rare Boosey & Co 4 valve Tenor Horn | Dawkes Music
Old Boosey & Co Cornet and Besson Flugelhorn - View topic: Trumpet Herald forum
Sterling Virtuoso Euphonium